"I still can't believe how much money Echo Wind Mitigation saved me. I could have save thousands if I called earlier, but better late than never. Thanks for your help Bob!"

Ryan- Miami, Fl
100% Money Back Guarantee!
If your discount does not cover the cost of the inspection, we will refund you the difference!
I have a very small home in Carol City and never thought that I would get any credits. With my new roof since Hurricane Wilma and my storm shutters I saves $865.00 off my original premium of $2,390.00.

Hyacenth- Carol City, FL
I knew about wind mitigations but never did anything
about it. I saw Echo Wind Mitigation under a listing in Cops And Firefighters in Business and I called. My premium went down from $3,440.00 to $2,515.00. Thanks Brother!!

Carlos- Miami Beach Patrolman, FL
I live in a townhome in Jacaranda. Bob told me
that Townhomes and Condominiums also qualify.
My renewal premium with Citizens went from $2,499.00 to $1,536.93 that's $962.00 savings each and every year. Talk about a "no brainer"

Jon- Jacaranda, FL
I had never heard about a Wind Mitigation credit. My
neighbor owns Echo Wind Mitigation Inspections and recommended that I get the inspection. Two weeks later I got a reduction of over $2,500.00. Perfect timing with my son off to college. Thank you so much.

Joyce- Plantation, FL
all photos for illustration purposes only.